For this last post I just wanted to express the ideas behind the creation of this blog. This profession is very special to me for a few reasons. I come from a history of firefighters in my family, I have been raised in this “firefighter” type family, and I believe that the men and women that have a firefighting career are very special and brave. This is why I hate to see or hear about incidents were fellow firefighters are being mistreated.
There is no reason for women to be mistreated anywhere, and the fire department is no exception. These women put their life on the line to try and save lives just like their male co-workers do. There is no difference between them except that they are labeled differently because of their genders. Every time I think that we have come so far as a society, I hear about another instance of the barriers that women face in this profession and it is clear to me that we still have a long way to come yet. The barriers that women have been subject to within this profession are barriers that should be lifted and issues that should be erased. No men have to face these some obstacles; so why should women?
I just hope that for those of who that have read my blog over this fall, that you have gained some knowledge and that I was able to shed some light on issue that you were probably not familiar with previous to this blog. The only way to try and make a change is to inform people of what is going on, and through this blog I feel successful in trying to make a change. We are well into the 21st century; isn’t it about time that women start getting treated fairly?